Sacred Heart Church Beautification

Church of the Sacred Heart Semaphore heritage beautification and decorative finishes and art

Beautiful Church Decorative Finishes

As master painters, decorators and artisans trained by English and Scottish masters in the decorative arts, we lovingly hand painted beautiful Church decorative finishes in the Sacred Heart Church. Beautification of the Sacred Heart Church included broken colour effects, a hand painted dado, pin-striping, gilding (22 karat gold leaf), stencils, faux marbling, faux wood graining, scumbling, Venetian glaze and copper antiquing. Lancaster Painters Australia wish to acknowledge “The Master Painter”, without whom none of this would have been possible.


Sacred Heart Semaphore Church Decorative Finishes Stencils

Lancaster Painters Australia hand painted a beautiful grape vine stencil above the gold pin-stripe of the dado on the walls. Gold stencils were applied to the timber of the front entrance organ loft ceiling along with gold pin-striping.

Faux Marbling

Sacred Heart Church Decorative Faux Marbling

Marbling, Marbleising or Faux Marbling is used to make walls and furniture look like real marble. Lancaster Painters Australia applied a combination of paint techniques to the plaster pilasters of the Sacred Heart Church to give the appearance of real marble. Professional paint techniques included broken colour effects and scumbling. We added a touch of gold paint to the bottom of the pilasters, with gold and blue pin-stripes to top it off.

Venetian Glaze

Sacred Heart Church Venetian Glaze Effect

Lancaster Painters Australia applied a beautiful Venetian Glaze effect to the niches at the front of the Sacred Heart Church.

A Touch of Gold

Sacred Heart Church Heritage Arches Decorative Effects Gold

Sacred Heart Church Pole Emblem We delicately added a “touch of gold” to decorative elements of the balusters of the spiral staircase, the small gold crosses embedded in the timber of the loft, decorative features of the arches in the Sanctuary, the mouth and upper lip of the heritage pipe organ, the frames of the “Stations of the Cross”, the newly marbleised pilasters, the timber of the front entrance organ loft ceiling, and the pole with the original manufacturer’s emblem (featured left).

Broken Colour Effects

SHC Broken Colour Effects

Lancaster Painters Australia applied a special Venetian glaze along with broken colour effects to the two niches at the front of the Church and the frames of the “Stations of the Cross”. We also applied broken colour effects to the metal posts that support the organ loft, which were used in the process of marbleising the pilasters.

Decorative Staircase

Sacred Heart Church Semaphore Staircase Decorative Finishes

Copper Antiquing

Sacred Heart Church Semaphore Copper Antiquing

Gilding, Signwriting

Sacred Heart Church Semaphore Gilding and Signwriting

Faux Wood Graining

Sacred Heart Church Semaphore Wood Graining

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