Sustainable Painting Practices Adelaide

Fully licensed* and qualified with 20 million dollars of public liability insurance, all work is completed to the Australian Industry Standards by following the AS/NZ 2311:2009 specification on substrate preparation and application of the coating system, and the Master Painters Association Industry Standard for the Surface Coating Industry. Certificates of Practical Completion are supplied throughout all stages of the job. Lancaster Painters Australia operate using Safe Work Methods and Environmental Management. Training has resulted in achieving Certificate III in Painting and Decorating, Responsible Officer and holding a Senior First Aid Certificate and White Card. We are Greenhouse friendly and Lead Safe. Further training has been achieved by completing the accredited 22002VIC course in Sustainable Practices and the accredited Safe Lead and Asbestos Management course CPCCPD3011A. We are licensed to perform high risk work and are fully accredited and licensed to erect steel and mobile scaffold over four metres up to thirty eight metres as well as elevated platforms, static lines and safety nets. Electrical equipment is tagged. We hold a National Police Certificate and are a member of the National Trust of Australia.

Consumer & Business Services SA Licences

* Lancaster Painters Australia Pty Ltd Building Work Contractor Licence BLD239320.

* Gary D Lancaster Building Work Supervisors Licence BLD119671.

We are Covid-19 Safe & Vaccinated

Adelaide Painters Licences

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